Sales Excellence

Why an Excellent in Sales Coaching program?

An Excellent in Sales Coaching program is based on the “Consultative Selling” methodology and is often aimed at:

  • increasing the potential to acquire new clients and sell products, services and solutions in a structured way
  • becoming more aware of and learning to anticipate the behaviour of clients in commercial processes
  • the development of adequate and relationship-oriented commercial behaviour with sufficient “depth” and learning to pick up on all “signals” sent out by the client organisation consciously or unconsciously in the various phases of the commercial process
  • developing sufficient belief in one’s own abilities (self-confidence) to be able to function as a persuasive interlocutor at all levels

For whom is coaching suitable?

Coaching is for anyone who wants to function more powerfully, purposefully and effectively in commercial processes.
Is willing to look in the mirror and get started with what is needed to achieve the desired goals.

What does a Coaching process look like?

The process starts with formulating a number of clear desired goals: What would you like to achieve? What would you like to develop? How would you like to develop yourself?

Then, in each coaching session, we will work with examples of events and situations and I will teach you how to deal with them in a successful and effective way.

Examples of problems you may encounter:

Difficulties in meeting sales targets:

  • You consistently miss your sales quotas despite working hard.
  • You’re struggling to acquire new customers and/or retain existing ones.
  • Your conversion rate is low, and you can’t convert your leads into paying customers.

Lack of motivation and sales drive:

  • You feel demotivated and you have trouble maintaining your enthusiasm for sales.
  • You experience procrastination and you postpone important sales activities.
  • You feel like you’re not reaching your full potential.

Ineffective Sales Practices:

  • You’re using outdated or inefficient sales practices.
  • You’re struggling to connect with potential customers and communicate your value proposition.
  • You’re not able to effectively address customer objections and close deals.

Lack of product knowledge or industry expertise:

  • You don’t have enough knowledge of your products or services to be able to sell them effectively.
  • You are not aware of the latest trends and developments in your industry.
  • You can’t understand and respond to your customers’ unique needs.

Time management and prioritization issues:

  • You struggle to manage your time and focus on the wrong activities.
  • You lose a lot of time on administrative tasks or unimportant meetings.
  • You are unable to set your priorities and focus on the most valuable sales activities.

Inadequate training and development opportunities:

  • You don’t have access to the training and development you need to improve your skills.
  • Your company doesn’t invest in the development of its sales team.
  • You don’t feel up to date with the latest sales techniques and strategies.

Negative work environment or lack of support:

  • You work in a negative work environment that affects your motivation.
  • You won’t get the support you need from your manager or colleagues.
  • You don’t feel appreciated or recognized for your accomplishments.

Lack of self-confidence and persuasiveness:

  • You lack confidence in your ability to sell.
  • You are unable to present your products or services with conviction.
  • You are easily discouraged by setbacks or rejection.

Work-life balance issues:

  • You struggle to manage your time and you experience a poor work-life balance.
  • You work too many hours and don’t have time for your family or friends.
  • You experience stress and burnout symptoms.
Let’s have an introductory meeting and see if I can help you with that!

What can you expect from me?

That I work in a Respectful, Personal, Confrontational and Goal-oriented way.

Are you curious about what I can do for you?

One of the most important factors of a successful coaching process is the click between coachee and coach. I attach great importance to a good personal click, so every process starts with an introductory meeting.

Use this button to request for an introductory appointment,
and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Would you like more information without obligation to investigate, what I can do for you? Please contact me.